Publisert 4. oktober 2018

At Sole, we love problem solving. Here’s how we helped the IKM Group to cool off their subsea pumping system.


How to cool off a pump engine on the bottom of the ocean? The IKM Group is a multidiscipline sub supplier to the oil and gas industry. They faced a challenge with overheating of a subsea pump engine. IKM figured a tube coil could be a potential solution. But how to make it?


Sole was assigned to the task, and within 2 weeks we came up with a solution. With the knowledge and technology of the water heating industry in mind, we crafted a costume made tube coil. Specially designed to stand the test of challenging environments.

This is Sole

Since 1971, we have been a unique partner in solving complex problems across a variety of industries. First and foremost, we are known as a leading provider of components to the water heating company in the Nordics. Today we manufacture 50 000 heat exchangers pr./year with tubes from our own mill. In addition, our in-house tooling technology enables us to solve a number of challenges within valves, nozzles, tube bending and end-forming.

Through innovative thinking and high quality craftmanship we fulfill our client’s expectations. Challenge us, and we will craft the ideal solution for you.

Get to know us better at

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