Digital Subsurface – On our way!

Publisert 16. mars 2023

A major technology shift is currently underway in the energy sector, which will transform the way we work and how we share, store, and analyze huge amounts of data. Next generation exploration workflows, well planning, and field development, along with smarter data utilization, utilisation of the power of machine learning models and advanced visualization are on their way.

DIGEX 2023 conference attendees will have the opportunity to dive deep into the significant progress being made within digitalization of the subsurface.

The conference will showcase presentations from frontrunner organizations and forefront projects that embrace technology to unlock new opportunities through multi-disciplinary data and workflow integration. Through these presentations, conference participants will learn about the development of cutting-edge technologies, leading to data-driven decision-making and value creation.

Cooperation instead of competition

Two full sessions on the first day of the conference are dedicated to OSDU (Open Subsurface Data Universe). OSDU is a platform developed by more than 200 companies that can store and process all relevant subsurface data. As an open-source, standards-based, and technology-agnostic data platform, OSDU stimulates innovation and collaboration and is a means to seamlessly exchange domain expert users across different applications.

The dual use of the OSDU data platform with machine learning capabilities enables new digitally transformed workflows and collaboration across traditional business lines and emerging ecosystems of vendors. Discover how energy companies have implemented OSDU through cross-vendors-client collaboration and are showcasing the benefits of subsurface specialist tools as a network of inter-operability microservices.

A new digital player on the Norwegian continental shelf

As of 2023, the chat robot ChatGPT seems to be on everyone’s lips. Its ability to retrieve and present information in a conversational form is quite impressive. However, ChatGPT and the language model it is based on are not without limitations and a big question remain – can we trust the information it provides? During the conference, we will learn more about the possibilities such language models provide for those working in the subsurface and there will be a discussion on trust.

Microfossils – the backbone for data science

We use microfossils (biostratigraphy and palynology) to date sediments penetrated in a wellbore. As the founding father of Digital Palynology in Norway, Robert Williams at the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), explains, “Geological mapping without biostratigraphy is like trying to find a particular address in Paris with a city map lacking street names and house numbers. It is impossible!

One must always know one’s location in time and space, or a drilled interval is just a stack of different sediments, different lithologies”.

Providing the correct age of the sediments is crucial, as it gives extra power to machine learning models and is the backbone for data science and advanced analytics within the subsurface. Currently, advances in digital technology are revolutionizing the field of microfossils, making it possible to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data in a new way. Norway is at the forefront! At the conference, exciting frontrunner projects within this domain will give an update.

High-quality data is key!

The well data from the entire life cycle of wells on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) is unique and contains comprehensive big data sets with untapped potential waiting that can be unlocked with the application of data science and machine learning. Showcases of multidisciplinary well data integration and traditionally underutilized well data sets like pressure, cuttings and mud gas will be presented at the conference.

However, it’s important to handle the well data with care to avoid overinterpretation, overlooking hidden “treasures”, or misinterpreting the data. The conference will provide important knowledge transfer on this important topic, with domain experts sharing their experience and discussing potential pitfalls. We will focus on how to generate well data with higher quality than we produce today, as well as building trust in the new data sets generated digitally.

Digitalization is more than data and technology

Digitalisation is more than just data and technology. It involves a comprehensive transformation process, workflows, mindset, and cultural changes. The real power of digitalization is in enabling cross-functional teams to use digital tools to find data faster, cross-combine data (often in an innovative way) instantly, check and modify input parameters on the fly and generate consistent quick-look interpretations and quality data check in seconds rather than months. Although challenges and bottlenecks remain, we are on our way!

Staying ahead!

The 5th edition of the upcoming digital subsurface DIGEX2023 conference will be held from March 28 th to 30 th in Oslo (Gardermoen).

An ecosystem of geoscientists, data scientists, and digitalisation professionals will meet physically at the conference. They work and innovate within the digital subsurface domain both in the traditional and renewable energy industries and will network, listen, learn, discuss, transfer knowledge, and get new ideas to decode and unlock the subsurface for value creation from exploration, development, production, and renewables.

Utilizing new digital tools can act as catalysts, providing a competitive advantage in our pursuit to meet the rising energy demand of the future more cost-effectively and innovatively.

DIGEX 2023 is not the conference you should miss!

Do you want to know more about the conference, visit: DIGEX2023 conference – – –

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