Partnership agreement between SRC and Skipavika

Publisert 21. april 2022

SRC Nordic AS and Skipavika Terminal AS have established a partnership to provide their customers with of safer and more sustainable operations. The collaboration benefits both parties. SRC takes a significant step forward in promoting its services in the Northern Sea region. With a broader service portfolio, the agreement makes Skipavika Terminal more attractive to operators looking for support for offshore rigs to prepare them for new assignments.

The scope of the agreement involves SRC’s services in the marine and offshore sectors covering different assets
– 3D scanning.
– Design and Engineering.
– Technical refits (structural, systems, equipment installation).
– Electrical and automation.
– Interior refits.
– Structural repairs using SPS (Sandwich Plate System) technology.
– Maintenance of well control equipment.
– Supply and integration of remote-controlled FLS (Fairlead Locking System)

«This partnership is an important milestone in the service and value proposition development for both companies, enabling us to offer our customers a wider range of services in the North Sea area of Skipavika. The offshore industry is picking up, and more services and refits are needed to support our customers’ operations. » Says Hannes Lilp, CEO of SRC Group.

“Skipavika is in a busy area in the Mongstad harbor pool near Florø and Bergen, where it provides service, maintenance, and storage for offshore rigs and vessels. The land area is 400 acres with 3.0 kilometers of shoreline with 10 ultra deep water quays. Additionally, storage, accommodation, office facilities, and covered fabrication areas are provided. Skipavika’s facilities consist of a wide range of logistics equipment, shore-power etc. Rock pads for jack-up rigs, and strong mooring points. 24/7 working hours” Says Lars Hellandsjø, CEO of Skipavika Group.

SRC is specialized in EPCI solutions to any vessel type in any location in the world and is well-placed with the knowledge and capability to lead and execute complex, multidisciplinary projects with tight schedules which require tailored solutions. From engineering to final installation, SRC has completed more than 5000 projects across the world and managed up to 1000 people per project. Offices in Estonia, Italy, Norway, Poland, the US, and the Netherlands.

SRC Nordic AS, part of the SRC Group AS, was established in 2013 when the company mainly focused on sales and business development activities.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Stian Våge (

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