Publisert 15. august 2018

Oceaneering Mission Support Centers (MSC) provide a collaborative and operational onshore base, supporting all kinds of operations both on- and offshore, topside and subsea. The MSC allows you to optimize resources, hence reducing cost, lowering HSE risk, and lowering emissions to the environment.

Strong 4G mobile network facilitates operations with very low latency.

While fiber and satellite connections are also viable alternatives, the 4G network truly combines the best of connection speed, live-feeds, and flexibility in completing operations.

24/7 Manned Onshore Support
Our teams work around-the-clock with additional personnel and specialists available as needed, providing the flexibility to manage unforeseen situations.

We support a wide range of operations including, but not limited to, crew-intensive jobs, those requiring special competence, vessel projects, resident/autonomous subsea vehicles operations, and inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR).

When special skills are needed, offshore personnel can transfer control to shore-based operators in the Mission Support Center. This enables specialists to engage in operations when and where their expertise is needed, rather than being mobilized offshore to wait.

Visit Oceaneering at ONS 2018, Booth 7560, to discover how the Mission Support Center enables remote location of personnel, specialists, customer representatives, and additional support to make the best use of time, mobilization cost, and expertise.

Learn more at

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