SEAONICS celebrates the 4-year operational success of the 90t SWL XT winch system

Publisert 5. juni 2023

This fully electric and high-performance AHC XT winch was developed with Odfjell Drilling as part of their XMT and subsea handling concept.

The fully electric and high performance AHC XT winch has successfully retrieved and installed several subsea Xmas trees after it was installed onboard Odfjell Drilling rig Deepsea Nordkapp in April 2019. The rig is on contract for Aker BP ASA.

The XT winch has shown high- and accurate AHC performance, meeting the highest safety and efficiency standard needed for such operation.

The recent operation was performed on Frosk wells- and at KEG, both at the Alvheim field in the North Sea.

Other operations using the SEAONICS super winch include successful installation of X-mas trees (45-60 t) on the wells Idun Tung well (Skarv), KIW, BAS, KIM, Skogul (Alvheim field) and retrieval of 2x X-mas trees on Jette (Ivar Aasen).

On a single derrick rig the implementation of the SEAONICS 90T winch has significantly increased the efficiency for X-mas tree installation & retrieval. The operation is done as a parallel activity.

The winch has also successfully been used for wet-parking and installation of several OTS (shields for trawls). Some of the operations have been performed under rather rough weather conditions with significant wave heights of 3,2 m.

With the XT winch installed, it is possible to do simultaneous operations using the riser/drill string such as recovering the BOP to deck, saving several days of operation compared to the single raw work drilling rig without XT winch. Considering the present and future expected rig costs, the savings for the operator can add up to be considerable depending on the number of Xmas tree handling operations.

The Odfjell Drilling Team appreciates the cooperation with SEAONICS and states:

«The AHC XT winch is an upgrade of the «single center rig «Deepsea Nordkapp » to obtain efficiency closer to the Odfjell dual center rigs. The winch has a redundant motor system and a redundant power supply from the rig’s power system. This ensures the «safety in compensating» which is required when landing the XMT on the very expensive subsea production wells.»

We are grateful to Odfjell Drilling for trusting us with this important job, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership in the future.

High performance compact electric subsea auxiliary winches.
Seaonics has also introduced new electrified and high performance and compact subsea auxiliary winches.

A recent order includes two 6t SWL guide wire & lifting winches and one 12t SWL work winch to be installed on a semi-sub this summer. The winches can be operated locally or from an operator- or ROV control room. Key capabilities include functions like: AHC, CT, “Auto land and lift off” and “Lock to bottom” modes.

These winches can be designed to fit and replace hydraulic winches using the existing foundations.

For more information :

For more information, contact
Lars Haahjem, Sales Manager Oil & Gas
, Mobile: +47 920 19 637

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